Death over dishonour. Hirakiri (or Seppuku) ,the act of committing suicide is a ceremonial event where a dishonoured samurai incapable to complete his task or failed to do so chooses to commit suicide by disembowelment. The Samurai kneeling takes out a tanto (a short sword) to cut his abdomen. This is said to restore the honour of a samurai. Such is the extent to which Japanese culture places great importance to honour of a person. One goes too unimaginable extend to protect the honour of their name and their family. Such cultural values are common to South-Asian countries. Benedict suggest that this might be because relationships in Japan are duty-based and one's value is dependent on the how others perceive unlike the west the where morals are guilt driven where truth, justice and individual rights are the vital components of consciousness. But, this is not about the Samurais, their fearless acts and their honour. This is about how the Japanese corporate world wa...